Monday, July 8, 2013

Italian Wedding / Cream Cake

I know, this is totally off from what I normal post! But aside from my makeup addiction, I also enjoy baking. Here is a recipe that my mom found and it came out super super good so I thought I'd share. ;)

Prior to me making this, I had never tasted it or even really heard of it! But my mom had gone to a restaurant in Denver where she had it and was dying for me to make it for her. She found this recipe on a blog called Making Life Delicious  ( The blog is by a woman named Heather who runs a bakery called "Livin' the Pie Life". She has soooo many recipes and they all look so good! So if you're feeling adventurous, check her out, browse her recipes and start cookin!

Here is the link for the recipe on Heather's blog:

When I made it, I pretty much followed everything exactly the way she has it. The only thing I did change was the milk. Instead of adding whole milk, I added heavy whipping cream because that's what I had on hand. It came out delicious! Oh, and when doing the layers, don't be afraid to use ALL of the pastry cream! :)
 So this doesn't look NEARLY as good as what Heather has on her blog, but it's definitely something I'm gonna work on the next time I make it. I just hope that next time, I won't have three people sitting around the kitchen anxiously waiting for me to finish making this and me trying to fight them off! haha

I actually like the way this photographed. The layers are nice and visible and it just looks yummy!

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