Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hello old friend!

It's been awhile! So much has happened (good and bad) that I haven't really had a chance to write to you. To summarize, here's what's gone on since my last post:
  • started renovating a bedroom/rearranging our house 
  • went on vacation
  • had family visiting and staying with us a few times
  • started wedding planning/research (I'm thinking destination wedding!)
  • reconnected with an old friend who I've been trying to find for years
  • boyfriend/fiance got a new job!
I've also subscribed to a couple of new subscriptions since I've pretty must canceled all of my other ones.  (What can I say, I get bored after awhile!)

New subscriptions:
  • Club W - yum yum!
  • POPSUGAR Must Have - definitely a pricier sub., and not "new", just new to me. But I've enjoyed the 3 boxes I've received so far (Summer Edition Box, Resort Edition Box, and the March box). I just opened my Summer edition box yesterday, and I love most of the items I got. Plus I have the June box on the way.
Oh, I should throw in that we're house hunting too! See, lots of new stuff!

I'm excited to be engaged, we've been together for 4 years now! I can't believe that, it's gone by so quickly. He proposed on our vacation, a few days after our 4 year anniversary. The ring is gorgeous and he designed it which makes it even more special for me. It's totally "me". A little vintage but also modern. We're planning on a long engagement since we're paying for the wedding ourselves so we're thinking Spring 2017 and it'll be a destination wedding. And even though we have plenty of time, I think I've already planned it all out - haha. Talk about not wasting any time! I dived right in!  :)

Aside from planning/researching, I've had to do a bit of soul searching lately, its been both enlightening and sometimes depressing. Depressing because I feel like, "really, you're just now having to think about this". I blame it on the bad economy/being an older millennial. But something has to give, and it needs to be me. I clearly need to make some adjustments and changes in order to move forward in life. It just bothers me that I'm having to do this at this age, you know? But on the bright-side, maybe this is my opportunity to pursue what I really enjoy. So that's what I'm looking into now. Changes will also be taking place on my blog. I've been feeling like I've been trying to force myself into a mold, to watch what I say, and try to please a wide range of people. I'm not doing that anymore. I created this little space on the internet to share information and thoughts, etc. But I've been filtering myself along the way, like - don't cuss (IRL, I cuss like a sailor), try to keep posts short/concise and try not to be long winded, etc. In other words, I started off doing this for me and it turned into trying to appease strangers. Not to mention, I tried to stay within a certain genre. So, moving forward, I don't want to filter myself and this blog is going to get a bit random, because that's just life.  :)  

So until next time, which will be sooner than you might think, I'll talk to ya later!

And I guess this wasn't as long as I suspected...(that's what she said)

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