Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Sargento Cheese VoxBox from Influenster

Typically I don't post a lot about food/snacks, even though I love to bake! But in my Aug. 20th post (Eek! It's been almost a month!), I mentioned how I joined Influenster. If you're not sure what it is, this is from their site:
What Is Influenster
Influenster is a free -to-join community of invited trendsetters who live to give opinions of products and experiences. Influenster creates links between brands and members to reward participation and influence future products.
Neat, huh?!  So a brief rundown - after you've become a member, you can participate in tasks which gives you points and you can "unlock badges". Those badges can make you eligible for participating in Influenster programs. To learn more about the site and all of the perks (and so I don't bore you with details ;)), click here. If you're interested in joining, I have some invitations open so just comment below. 

Soooo.... I was eligible to participate in the Sargento Cheese VoxBox. What's a "VoxBox"? It's a box filled with goodies! Yay!! "Influensters are selected for FREE themed product shipments based on the Expert Badges they have unlocked and based on individual demographics." And honestly, this came at a great time for me. 

I got this cute little package in the mail:

And yes, that is totally a little cooler pack for your cheese! And I really could've used that back in my K-12 days of bring lunch to school LOL. But anyways, along with that cooler pack was a coupon and a voucher for my free cheese! 

Why did this come at a great time for me? Well, my boyfriend and I have been wanting to hit the gym again after a long hiatus. We signed back up at our favorite gym and started meeting up during the day to work out. Well, I'm no fitness expert...by a longshot! But I do know that it's important to eat some protein within 30 minutes after your workout. And for me, it's about a 30 minute drive just going to the gym. So I was looking for something I could take with me and I could essentially munch on while driving (safely of course!). And then I got selected for this VoxBox! I've always been a fan of string cheese growing up so I picked up a bag of the Light String Cheese when I went grocery shopping. One of the things I liked about this VoxBox, was that you could pick whatever wanted it! . 

I'm also glad that I got a $1 off coupon for a second bag because this did not last in my house! I'm lucky I was able to grab a couple sticks before the rest of my household dug in. So clearly this was a hit for them as well!. Aside from a post workout snack, I love love LOVE this stuff paired with fruit (mostly strawberries and grapes) and almonds. I think that's probably my ultimate favorite healthy snack. Or if you wanted to make it a little "naughty", add a glass of wine! LOL But really cheese + fruit + wine...yum! haha

So I know this was a little different, but I wanted to share because I think this a great "on the go" snack...and now I'm hungry. LOL


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