Friday, September 7, 2012

I think my hair has found its mate! lol

In all honesty, I wasn't planning on writing this blog BUT I had to share because frankly, I was pretty excited about this.

I have long hair and I haven't always been kind to it (I've dyed it A LOT lol). So there's some damage, and my hair can get really some areas. If it was consistent, that would be great! But it's usually more wavy towards the back and tends to straighten out towards the front (like a texture mullet! lol), but overall, its kinda frizzy and kinky. So I've tried sprays, oils, high end shampoo and conditioner, low end shampoo and conditions, shampoo and no conditioner, you get the idea.

I heard a lot of good things and bad things about Macadamia Natural Oil and Moroccan Oil, but I figured, I'd give them a try anyway. I bought a travel kit on Amazon for like $10 that had the Rejuvenating Shampoo, Moisturizing Rinse, Healing Oil Treatment, Deep Repair Masque, Nourishing Leave-in Conditioner, and Oil infused comb (still not really sure how that works, but whatever). I tried every single product in that pack, all together and some of the products separately, and overall I wasn't very happy with it. I felt like it took a TON of shampoo to at least make my hair feel clean, and by the next day, it just felt oily.

I returned to my old shampoo/hair routine pre-Macadamia, until I found something better. I was shopping at Costco one day and decided to take a look at their beauty section, and found a pack of Organix Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner with a small bottle of Moroccan Argan Oil. I purchased it and have been using it for about a week now. I don't think I've ever had hair like this right out of the shower! Now my hair is soft, not frizzy, and super shiny. To give you an idea of how it looked before...think of Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. lol 

Now, I will say, this works amazingly well for me but it may not work for everyone, this is just what works for my stubborn hair right now. And personally, I like checking out different hair reviews to see how products work for people and what they recommend, and if I can find that product for a good deal, then why not? :) So, I just wanted to share my experience. ;)


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