Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blogger Error Code bX-dm6o9e Workaround

Last week I attempted to delete a really old FTP blog (that I totally forgot I had!) and ever since then, I haven't been able to get into the blogger Dashboard...until now ;)
Prior to today, I couldn't get into my Blogger Dashboard, so I had no way of looking at my stats or updating my template, etc. etc. I searched on Google to see if anyone found a solution and I didn't really see anything, just that a lot of others were experiencing the same issue. Also, I only had one admin on this blog and was starting to wonder if, since I didn't have any other way of logging into the Dashboard (that I knew of), if I would forever be S.O.L. HOWEVER - I found a way to get in and wanted to share and hopefully this will help some of you out.

I have the Navbar on my blog and I was able to get into my settings through there.
Basically, I was already logged into my Gmail/Admin account for this blog. Instead of going to, I typed in my blog's URL. Once my blog came up, I went into the Navbar and clicked on New Post (you DO NOT need to click on this first, but this is what I did, or you could just click on Design and hopefully that'll do it for ya) but I wanted to know that I could at least continue to add posts even if I couldn't "log into my blog". (Does that make sense?) So I was able to post, and decided to try clicking on the Design link to see if I could access it, and low and behold, my settings for my blog! From there I could access everything - stats, template, layout, settings, etc. I even added a new admin to my account just in case lol.

I know some of you may have figured this out by now, but if not, I hope this helps.


PS - I tried this using Chrome and IE9 :)

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