Thursday, August 23, 2012


Where have I been!?! I haven't been updating as often as I'd like. I even installed the blogger app on my iPhone and I still haven't updated! FAIL!  haha I need to get in gear! :)

With being a little MIA, lots has gone on.

1. Finally finished my Summer semester! YAY!!! (All A's too, go me!)
2. Cancelled Birchbox - although I mentioned that I might be doing that in my last entry.
3. I've been skipping on some monthly services and trying others - more to come!
4. My Fall classes have officially started, as of today :(
5. I may need to re-name my blog....Ideas?!


I've become addicted to these monthly sub services (which my bank account has been HATING me for haha) but they're so much fun!
I've been skipping on my Little Black Bag subscription and I've been playing with the idea of cancelling my service. Now, the idea of lBB is awesome and I actually really loved the service! My only issue, and this could just be me (and maybe I should actually contact customer service although I don't think they'd be able to fix it...). But every month I recieved a new handbag, which I loved! In fact, I've usually been satisfied with most of my items (minus a necklace or two). However, after a month of using the bag, something started going wrong. I received a Nila Anthony straw bag and after using it for a month, the straw started coming undone at the bottom of the bag. I don't know if I just got a bad bag or I just happened to snag it on something, I don't know. I just chalked it up to something I did, get a new Street Level bag the next month, loved it, used it for a few weeks and then the zipper broke. So again, I don't know if I've been unlucky or what, but I've been kind of scared to order anything else. I think if I try it again, I'll go with something more main stream like Steve Madden or BCBG, but until I find something I have to have, I'll just keep skipping.

I also skipped this month for Jewelmint because I didn't see anything in my showroom that I just had to have. Which, I'm actually very happy about. I went a little nuts last month and ordered enough peices to last me like 6 months! haha And now looking at my last entry, I didn't even show what all I got from the "surprise boxes"! OMG! Ok, so I promise, I will do another entry specifically for Jewelmint because, like I said, I got a TON! So stay tuned hehe

I'm still getting Julep boxes so I'll add something with swatches and more info. I also tried out two new monthly subs! Well they're not that new, just new to me kinda - StyleMINT and IntiMINT (yes, both part of BeachMint which also does JewelMint, HomeMint, BeautyMint, and ShoeMint.)
And it's kinda funny..even though I haven't posted in awhile, I was still thinking about posting because I took pictures of the stuff while I got them :). However, I don't have access to those picture yet so stayed tuned. :) **They'll be up tomorrow morning/afternoon!**

So, there's a "quick" update. Just a few things that have been going on; lots of stuff will be coming up soon. I need to catch up on some posts and I have a few new ones planned. AND I've started marking down ideas and posts and what not to post in my agenda so I can stay organized lol.

Oh, and I just discovered another blogger with the same "Beauty Nerd" tag, soo...I should probably change mine to something else. Maybe just "NerdyJaxs", who knows hehe.


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