Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Still breathing!

A bit has gone on lately (mostly health reasons and school) and I haven't been very good at posting...soooo I figured I should get back to it.

I'm still doing the whole monthly subscription service thing, except that I dropped my Birchbox subscription because, well frankly, I didn't think they were that great. Which is disappointing. I heard a ton of great things from YouTubers and other bloggers and thought, "oh cool! this should be really great!", but no. 
I subscribed to them for about 3 months and didn't really see an improvement (even after contacting their customer service) so, farewell. Why did I bid farewell to my service? Well! For example, in my Gossip girl box I received:

  • Arquiste L'Etrog Perfume sample 
  • beautyblender blendercleanser (brush cleanser)
  • ColorClub Nail Polish in Disco Nap (metallic gold)
  • Dr. Jart+ Waterfuse BB Cream
  • Twistband Skinny Headband  
So I was like, 'eh, its an ok box, would have rather have kept my $$'. It wasn't until I saw other blogs or YouTube videos of girls showing their Gossip Girl boxes that contained Stilla eyeliner, Dior mascara, and full sized Lipfusion . So that bugged me. I felt like I got crap while a few lucky ones either got full sized products or really well known brand stuff. Also, some of the girls that received the Dr. Jart+ sample, ended up with empty bottles! So I contacted Birchbox and  said that I felt like if people are subscribed to a sample service, they should either get the same items as everyone else or they should be allowed to choose at least one of their samples if they were offering such a wide spectrum of products. 

The response I got:
"If we were to ship out the same boxes to everyone, this would completely remove the personalization aspect, and this is simply not the service we are looking to provide. We also do not offer the ability to select your samples, as each box is meant to be a surprise that delights you each month. " this whole "personalized aspect"....The site doesn't offer any "beauty quizzes" or "style profile" or anything like that. (If there is some weird profile thing or something that I missed that allows the boxes to be personalized, please let me know. :) ). So I gave them another month, which was a little better than the previous one, but not much so I gave up on them. 

In their place, I signed up for JewelMint. Which I don't believe I've mentioned before, but I LOVE them! So, its a little more pricey ($29.95 a month, with the option to skip, of course ;) ) and its basically a jewelry/accessory service. You fill out a profile and get a "show room" of  pieces that are personalized to your quiz. Each piece is $29.95 and you can get as many as you like. Also if you sign up now, you can use the PROMO CODE: 1SPR5JM to get $5 off your first order. 

Since I spent so much time complaining about Birchbox, I may post another blog specifically on JewelMint and the other service I signed up for, which is Julep Maven! Which I'm totally loving at the moment too! And they're my most recent. I received my "Intro box" earlier this week and my first official monthly box is getting shipped out tomorrow! Woo! Can't wait! :)

And I'm also still signed up with MyGlam Bags and Little Black Bag, which I'm still enjoying but after a recent splurge on goodies (thanks JewelMint and DailyLook! lol), I may need to skip a couple of months with lBB to compensate! lol

Ok, this bloggy is long enough :). I will post more later and will hopefully get back on track with posting more frequently. Ta-Ta!

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