Wednesday, June 27, 2012

JewelMint and Julep Maven

My new favorites! :) And most recent....

I've been a JewelMint member for a couple months now. I saw the "Always have Paris" ring and wanted it. It was actually my first purchase. Its has kind of a horseshoe band, not your traditional round band, its rose gold and the center can be flipped! So one side says "Je t'aime" and the other side is like an iridescent caramel enamel. 
Always Have Paris ring

My second purchase were these Spellbound earrings. I liked them because they have almost a gothic feel to them yet they're elegant and dressy and yet they can still be worn everyday. A very versatile pair. 

My 3rd purchase was made last night actually. An impulsive buy that probably should have never happened lol. Impulsive buying isn't always a good thing! However, for a limited time JewelMint released 3 "surprise" boxes inspired by the Spring/Summer runways. There's Bohemian Nights, Feminine Flair, and Urban Warrior. Each set has 4 surprise pieces (total of $120.00) for $59.98. 
Personally, I think that's a good deal. That's like buying two pieces and getting two more for free. Or four pieces for 50% off. However you want to look at it. :) So once I get my order, I'll do another blog and perhaps a giveaway if I already have one of those items ;).

If you go onto JewelMint and want $5 off your FIRST purchase with them, use the code: 1SPR5JM  at check out. 
**Expires 6/30/12**

The other subscription service I wanted to mention is Julep Maven. I'm sure most of you know that Julep is a nail polish/care brand located in Seattle, WA.
Now, to be totally honest, nail polish was never really a big deal to me and it seems like I've been having phases of things I'm crazy about or really want a lot of. For example, a few months ago, I was all about lip stains. Buying a ton to try out and always looking for the next best thing. Then it was mascara, anyways, you get the idea. So now, its nail polish! And for awhile I was really all about Essie, I found some colors that I really liked or wanted to try and that's all I was looking at. However, their polish is definitely on the runny side. I can't tell you how many times I tried painting my nails with the color Marshmellow! Seriously, I would apply a layer, let it dry, apply another layer, let it dry, apply a top coat, let it dry, but then I'd end up hitting my hand on something and there goes the nail polish! Even though I patiently waited for the damn stuff to dry! So, after about 4 tries I gave up and now it'll probably remain in my nail polish drawer. So, needless to say, I'm not a fan of runny/watery polishes. And then I ran into Julep's website and saw that they too had a sub. service called Julep Maven. For about $20 a month, you get a box with cult favs and new polishes before the rest of the public, usually a ($40 value). 
You start by taking a style quiz which determines which style you are out of the 5 style options they have:

American Beauty
Boho Glam
It Girl
Classic with a Twist

I ended up with Boho Glam and was sent my Intro box which contained 2 nail polishes and a pedi cream. Then on the 20th of every month, you get an email notifying you that your monthly box is ready. From there you can see what's been selected for you before it gets sent out! Don't like what's been selected? You can change your style option for that month and see what the other style boxes have for that month. You can also add on 2 additional products from any of the boxes for $4.99 per item. 
So this is what I like - I like seeing what I'm getting before its shipped out to me and having the option to change it to something I do actually like/want/etc. It's like the company understands that you're spending money every month for their service and they want you to like what you're spending your money on!! :D
There are also other perks like 20% discounts, gifting your box to a friend, skipping a month, and sometimes they have mystery boxes.

For the July box, I switched my profile from Boho Glam to Classic with a Twist which is going to come with 2  pinkish colors (Freida and Audrey) and a lipgloss in Camellia. I also added 2 more products (Daphne -a seafoam color and Poppy which is a coral lipgloss). I'll also be getting voucher for a free nail polish AND America - which is their very patriotic nail polish! So overall I'm getting 5 nail polishes(including my voucher) and 2 lipglosses for a little less than $30. 

Also! If you want to try Julep, you can get your intro box for a PENNY! Go to the link below and use the promo code TWITTER1!

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