Monday, April 23, 2012

DIY Rings!

First off, let me just say that I definitely did not inherit my mom's small hands! lol I have big feet (size 9!) and oddly enough, my ring finger is the same size as my feet (although, according to a jewelry sales rep, it's not uncommon to have the same ring finger and shoe size - who knew!). So needless to say, its not easy finding cute fashion rings that fit so I've decided to make my own. And honestly, it's super easy! Granted, these are just cute, fast, fashion rings that can be put together in minutes but if you wanted to spend more time and get really elaborate, you could.

I went into Hobby Lobby (or I'm sure Michaels or any other craft store will have the same supplies) and started looking at their jewelry section. Hobby Lobby has EVERYTHING, I just love that store because they have so many neat things, so I knew I wouldn't be disappointed when it came to looking for ring stuff. I started off looking at their charm selection and saw a few charms that I though would make cute rings. I ended up purchasing a few Owl charms, a Victorian looking charm, and a pink bow hair clip. Then I started looking at their actual ring making supplies and picked up a bag full of plain adjustable ring bands and I really didn't want to sauter anything so I ended up buying a glue that's supposed to "hold jewels permanently through repeated washing" (or at least that's what the bottle says).
Glue, charms, and rings! Overall, I probably spent about $10 -$15 for all of this.
So, what you'll need:

  • Glue (or sautering materials)
  • Charms, old earrings, whatever you're making into a ring
  • Adjustable ring bands
  • Pliers (optional)
  • Metal nail file (optional)

The directions on the bottle I purchased are pretty simple:
  Apply to surface. Push object into glue, so that glow forms around edges and let dry for 10 minutes.
*Also, this glue can be used on plastic, metal, glass, beads, rhinestones, pearls, fabric and sequins.*

I added glue to the back of the charms and a little on the ring and let them sit until they weren't running and then added the charm onto the ring, held it in place for a few seconds and then left alone to dry.

Glue is dry on the back of the rings. To me it was more important to have more glue than to not have it look kinda messy. (I figured the only ones who are gonna know its messy is me...and well, now, you :) )
Since some of the charms will have little loops at the top (so you can attach them to bracelets and what not) to remove those, I bent them off with pliers and then filed whatever was left with a metal nail filer.

And that's pretty much all there is to it.
1. Pick up supplies. 
2. Add glue 
3. Let dry 
4. Wear! 

I also picked up some hair extension clip things so I could try and add my feather extensions to them. So maybe that'll be my next post! :)

Stay tuned! :)

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