Monday, July 1, 2013

June Ipsy GlamBag

Wee! I got my Ipsy Glambag in the mail today! I wasn't going to post anything about it, but after seeing the retail value of one of the items (while in the process of trying it out ;)) I thought that bit of info enough was worth a blog post!

First off, the bag itself this month, is freakin adorable! Seriously, I love it! 

But it's not just the bag that got my attention, but the products themselves were pretty amazing. Out of all of them, I only disliked one item...

L to R: Psst Dry Shampoo, NYX Paradise Mosaic Powder Blush, Starlooks Lip Pencil in  Tipsy, Cailyn eyeliner in Purple, and J.Cat Sparkling Cream Palette in Suzie
Psst Dry Shampoo - about $3
I've heard a lot about this dry shampoo and I've tried some out in the past and have either loved it or absolutely hated it. Since I have dark hair, I was a little worried that this one would leave me with an obvious, not so cute, white residue. Eek! But surprisingly, it didn't! And it smells pretty good! But what I like about it most so far, is that it doesn't make my hair feel gross. You know how sometimes you can use a dry shampoo and even though it makes your hair LOOK good, you can't really run your fingers in it...easily haha, or it just feels like a powdery mess? No? Is it just me then...? *crickets*
Well anyways, I've been using So Sexy Dry Shampoo from Victoria Secret and I love the way it smells and it doesn't leave the white residue, but it does make my hair feel kinda gross. It makes it look clean, but to me it feels like dry, stiff, and powdery. Psst doesn't really feel like that - so far I like it.

NYX Paradise Blush - $7
Ok. I've heard of NYX for like...ever now but I haven't really tried it. I think I may have gotten an eyebrow kit from them once and wasn't really impressed. But I've heard great things about some of their lip products and face products. So I was excited to try this out. And guess what? It's a lovely shade that compliments my skin tone well (I'm like an NC30-35ish right now I think....Or in Revlon Colorstay whipped - Warm Golden) and this gives a pinky-red kinda color. There are 5 colors in this blush, and I just swirl my brush into all of them. It gives a nice glow but it can be a little intense, so I suggest starting with a light hand and adding more as needed.

Starlooks Lip Pencil - $12
First off, the color is great! Tipsy is kinda like a light peach/coral color that is mostly matte. It does glide on smooth, and is super SUPER the point of, I wouldn't even really consider this as a lip liner. To me, it's more like a lipstick in pencil form! And because of it's texture, I wouldn't say that it helps "lipstick stay in place". Sadly, I don't have a lipstick that matches this color, so I've been using it as a lipstick. The liner by itself doesn't work for me (maybe that's why it's marketed as a lip liner, Jaclyn! lol), so I've been wearing a nude lipstick and then layering this on top and I really like the look of it. Starlooks does sell the matching lipstick and gloss, but I like the way I've been using it so I won't be getting those anytime soon haha.

Cailyn eyeliner - $21!!!! #*%@&^$!! lol
Ahhh!! This item alone is simply awesome! Seriously, look at how much it goes for! That's more than double the cost of the ipsy bag!!! Ok...calm down...breathe...ok, aside from the cost, the eyeliner is actually really good. I have hazel eyes so whenever I can grab a wearable purple liner/eyeshadow/etc. I do! And what I consider wearable is something more subtle, not super bright...because in all honestly, I don't feel like I can pull of super bright looks without the word "clown" being associated with it. lol Just me though. I've seen some girls go full on bright and they look amazing! But anyways, this purple is like a dark plum color that I would consider wearing everyday. It's dark enough to not be so "in your face" but you can still tell that it's purple. Plus, the formula is supposed to be 24 hr, waterproof, and smudge proof. I tested this the other day and went swimming with it on. The end result? It was till on after hours spent in and out of the pool. This is hands down, my favorite item in this bag.

J.Cat Sparkling Cream Palette - $4.49
So, I mentioned that I liked most of my items... this is the item that I did not care for (and judging by comments on the Ipsy site, I'm not alone in this). This is a BODY glitter palette. Yes, that's right, BODY glitter. Not meant to be used on the eyes. So I haven't even opened this yet because I don't know what I'm going to do with it. The only time I could possibly think of using this, is for like Halloween. So I may save it for Halloween and try and use most of it up then or I might get rid of it. But given the other items (three of which are full sized), I can overlook this product.

Overall this bag is worth about $47.49 and I only paid $10 for it and got a cute bag. :)

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