Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Truth About Being Engaged

It finally happened! For me, it was four years in the making and after the initial high, taking a ton of ring pictures, and announcing the big news to family and friends, something happens... And honestly, it's not just one thing, it's several. Luckily, with good ol' Google and The Knot, I found out I wasn't alone in a lot of these "things", so here are the top 5.

1. You won't be able to stop looking at your ring!
I got engaged on March 30th and I still find myself staring at my ring! It's a new sparkly addition, how could I not look at it!? :)

2. Questions galore!
"Have you set a date yet?" "Am I invited?" "How much did he pay for that!?" "Why do you want a destination wedding?" "Can I be in your wedding?"  And the list goes on. The shockers for me were questions I got from people who I had only met once in my life. And not only will the questions come from family and friends (and even strangers), but I had questions of my own. The reality of  'dreaming of your big day' and actually planning it, is a lot of work! No wonder people say it's a full time job! So I've spent lots of time researching and picking up books to assist with my planning.

3. You'll start planning immediately!
Guilty! :) My fiance and I planned on a long engagement...that still hasn't stopped me from researching, or even trying on dresses - haha. But I'm doing things a little backwards. Everything I've read stresses the importance of planning a budget first, where I'm planning out the wedding and creating a budget based off of that. I may be crazy, but since we're paying for wedding ourselves, I think it'll be easier to plan out what we'd like and then save up for it.

4. Friends might disappear...
This could just be me, but I was surprised (and really hurt) when my "best friend" of 20 years couldn't even congratulate me, or hell, even a 'like' on my FB would've been great. Instead he created a new Twitter account for his business and followed me. Thanks? I guess. I just assumed that with a big life event like this, I would have his support.

5. Everyone will have an opinion
From the location to the wedding party, everyone on both sides of our family have had some kind of opinion or advice on what "should" be done. I'm having a hard time with this one. By nature I'm a people-pleaser. So when I have family members saying they can't do a destination wedding because of X,Y, and Z, I try to look for alternatives to accommodate everyone. But I'm learning that I need to focus on my fiance and I. It's our big day and we should plan accordingly.

Those are my top 5 that I have experienced so far after being engaged. I wanted to put this together to kind of launch my "wedding series" and to just document the journey along the way. Finding articles that relate have been helpful for me because it gives me ideas for how to deal and I'm hoping this will help other future Mrs who are experiencing the same thing. And this shouldn't even be worth mentioning, but I'm not a wedding expert and this is just my experience and the same will hold true for future wedding posts. But I thought I'd throw it out in the initial post of the series as a disclaimer.

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