Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Review: Boots Botanics Ionic Clay Mask #powerofplants

Recently, I posted my #JadoreVoxBox from Influenster and mentioned that one of the items was the Boots Botanics Ionic Clay Mask. I briefly compared it with my experience with the GlamGlow masks, but really, this Boot's mask deserves it's own post. So here it is!

Sea silt (Natural oceanic clay), Aqua (Water), Potassium sorbate, Sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, Salix nigra (Willow) bark extract 

Until the past year or so, I never really used a facial mask. And truth be told, I didn't exactly take care of my skin when I was younger. I pretty much did the bare minimum and luckily, I didn't have horrible acne. But it wasn't until my college roommate came along and I saw her skin (which was flawless!) and what she was doing on a daily basis to take care of it, that I upped my routine. But as I've gotten older, I've really started to pay more attention and really try to find products that work for me. So once I felt like I had somewhat of a daily routine down, then I started exploring different avenues, like clay masks. Since I have oily/combo skin, I wanted to find something that would really get into my pores and help with some of that excess oil. 

So of course, once YouTubers started raving about GlamGlow, I had to try it. However, it's not really for me. And this could be for a couple of reasons, one which I just read somewhere...either they just don't work with my skin, or it's a 'user error' and I'm leaving them on too long. I just read somewhere that you shouldn't leave clay masks on until they harden and become completely dry because once they reach that point, they'll start sucking the moisture from your skin, resulting in dry, itchy, sometimes red, skin. But I'm sure, like a lot of people, you throw a mask on, start doing stuff around the house, and before you know it, the time has gone by and the mask is hard and dry. I can't just sit still and wait, I'm always multitasking so I'm totally guilty of 'over drying'. 

I wasn't really sure what was going to be in the Jadore Voxboxes, so I had mixed emotions when I saw the Boots mask. I'm only familiar with the name because I've seen it in Target, so I was excited in that regard. But since I've tried so many other clay masks from GlamGlow, Lush, etc. and was never 100% satisfied or never impressed enough for it to leave a lasting impression, I kind of thought "great another mask". But I decided to try it out anyways, and it completely left a lasting impression. 

As I mentioned in the Jadore Voxbox post, when I squeezed it out of the tube, a thick gob came out followed by a runny mess. So immediately, I was like "Oh great, another dud" lol But I put the cap back on, shook it up, and kept on applying. And of course, I left it on until it was completely dry. :) But when I washed it off, my skin was soft, my skin tone looked more even (red patches faded), it felt smooth and hydrated. But this still wasn't a total selling point for me yet. Yes, my skin felt and looked good after washing it off, but  would it last? The next morning I woke up, touched my face and was like "wow, my face feels really nice...", I looked in the mirror and it didn't look that bad either. And then I questioned myself - what did I do differently? Oh yeah, I used that mask I got in my voxbox! #(@$*%  (Selling point! lol)

I'm extremely impressed with what this mask did for my skin and I'm glad it's from a brand that's actually sold near me and I know where to find it (at an affordable price too!). 

Here's what the Boots US store site has to say about the Botanics Ionic Clay Mask:
"Our skin can often become congested with many cleansing masks over drying the face. This mineral-rich oceanic clay mask contains a negative electrical charge which acts like a magnet, helping to draw deep-rooted impurities out of the skin without drying. Its hydrating and oil absorbing properties leave skin soft, smooth and wonderfully cleansed."

I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

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