Thursday, December 13, 2012

PVBody Monthly Sub

Look another monthly subscription service! lol
I had started writing this a month ago (not even kidding!) but I wanted to wait until I received my second "bag" to give a full review, however, it never came and I'm tired of waiting lol
Lets start with the basics - What is PVBody?

It's a monthly fitness outfit subscription company. For, what was originally $39.95, is now $49.95 a month. And like several other monthly sub services, you take a quiz to determine your "fitness style" and then an outfit (a top and bottoms) are selected based on that style and sent to you every month.  It's supposed to include brands like Lululemon, Nike, Lorna Jane, Adidas, American Apparel etc. with sizes ranging from XS-L.

Sounds kinda cool right?

Well I received my first bag super fast, like a couple days after I signed up.  I got a rust colored tank and long dark grey yoga pants. I liked them, but I wasn't super impressed and actually a little disappointed because if you share them on FB, and it's your first bag, you're supposed to get a tote bag and an extra tank top. I didn't get my extras so I emailed their customer service and got a response the same day (pretty awesome - too bad that awesomeness is short lived) and was told that they ran out of those items but I should be getting them either before my next bag, or with my next bag.

So, my first bag was at the end of is now December...

I checked my PVBody account at the beginning of November and saw that my next bag was going to be billed and sent out towards mid-November. The 15th to be exact.  The 15th came and went and I checked my account the following week and it said the same thing, but my credit card wasn't charged so it wasn't really a big deal. But then, my credit card WAS CHARGED and I never received a shipping confirmation. I emailed Justin, who is was the CS rep that replied to my first issue and still to this day I have not heard back. The only bright side is that my card was refunded.

If you find their FB page, you'll see that there isn't a comments section but rather a "Recommendation" section.  And right now there are several posts from woman who are dealing with the same issue and some who were charged multiple times with no response from the company.

Although, the folks at PVBody did end up posting on their FB that they're relocating and are trying to get their stuff together and hired more people, etc. etc.  But for now, it's a mess.

Who knows, maybe they'll get their act together and be able to offer a good sub service, but for now, I DO NOT recommend them.

On a different note - good luck to those who are having Finals Week! I have 2 more finals and I'll be home free for awhile! WOOO!! haha


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