Friday, November 2, 2012

StyleMint Fall 2012 Mystery Bag

Yup, StyleMint released another mystery bag! And guess who got it! haha

 I received this email and since I had a StyleMint credit, I thought why not. :)

I received three items yesterday, in the usual StyleMint wrapping:
Colorado T

Kyle T

Ruth T
I'm starting to have issues with the StyleMint sizing. I usually like my shirts to fit kind of loose, not super tight, but just comfortable.  And I assume that they'll shrink in the dryer, so I'll usually go up a size. I ordered my bag in a size 3 - which is like a M/L. So when I got my mystery bag, I immediately liked the Kyle T, but wasn't really sure if I liked the other two.
I decided to try them on in hopes of surprising myself and end up liking the other two. That wasn't really the case... The Kyle shirt was a little big, but it's a good lounging shirt, the Colorado T was HUGE on me, I was literally swimming in it! And the Ruth T fit perfectly (although I'm not a fan of the neon green).  This happened to me last time I ordered from StyleMint (and I think I may have mentioned it in a later post).  I ordered the Jade Tank and I wasn't sure if it was going to be too short so I ordered a 3 and it was huge.  I also purchased the Berlin T in grey on eBay in a size 4, and it actually fits perfectly. So idk what's going on - if its me or their sizing haha.
Overall the shirts are really soft, I like the quality of them and for the price, I think it's a good deal (about $9.99 a shirt).  I may try dying the Ruth T since I like the way it fits, I just don't really like the neon color. Or, I might wait to see what other girls got and maybe setup a swap :)

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