Monday, April 16, 2012

Monthly Subscriptions

Recently, I've seen a ton of YouTube videos on monthly beauty subscriptions and thought I'd try a few out. For these subscriptions, you pay a monthly rate and receive beauty samples. Since I like to check out different beauty products, and see the new latest and greatest, this seemed to be the perfect fit since you pay about $10-$15 and get anywhere from 4-6 samples of beauty products. And to me, $10-$15 seems a lot more reasonable than having to pay full price to test out products.The one's that I've signed up for so far are:
  • GlamBag - ( When you sign up to be a subscriber, you pay $10 a month, you take a beauty survey and then you receive a bag each month with deluxe-sized samples and full sized products.

  • Beauty Army - ( It's $12 a month and you get the option to pick 6 samples for your monthly box. So far, this is the only beauty subscription service that allows you to pick your samples.

  • Little Black Bag - ( This service is a little different and the most expensive out of the other subscriptions I'm trying out. Unlike receiving samples of beauty products, this site is more geared towards accessories (handbags, jewelry, sunglasses, scarves, etc.) You can either do a monthly subscription or you can just purchase one bag. For the monthly subscription I believe it's, $49 and for the one time bag it's $59. You take a style survey and then you get to browse through their "Gallery" and pick one item that you absolutely love. Once you pick that one item, their stylists select 1-3 additional items. However, before you can see those items, you have to checkout - which is where you select the one time bag or the monthly subscription. Once you see all of your items, if you don't like what the stylists have chosen for you, you can trade with other lBB members. You have 7 days from the time you "open your bag" to trade items before your bag is shipped out.

  • Birchbox - ( Is a $10 a month subscription that send you samples based on a beauty survey you take when signing up. The cool thing about this site, is it's also available for guys.

I'm currently on the waiting list for Beauty Army and Birchbox but I've received my first Glam Bag and will be receiving my Little Black Bag this week.

To be honest, I was a little skeptical about GlamBag because I hadn't really heard a ton of rave reviews from them. GlamBag is a fairly new company and in previous bags, subscribers received tiny sample packets and/or "gift cards" (which were really more like coupons). But I figured for 10 bucks a month, why not try it out. Usually when companies see what kind of reviews they're getting, they try to fix whatever it is that's not doing so great, so I figured why not.
This is what I got for my April GlamBag:

So overall, I was pretty happy with my bag. The brushes don't seem cheap, they actually seem pretty decent. The false lashes seemed like good quality, however, it comes in foreign packaging so you can't read anything on the package, but the product itself was good. The lashes don't feel hard and plastic-y. Oh, and you do get a new little cosmetic bag each month. This month's bag was metallic pink. And I like the fact that you get a new bag every month, I know some people weren't too fond of that, but personally I think they'd be great for traveling.

As for Little Black Bag, I have to say, I was completely addicted to the whole trading concept. I'm pretty sure I spent about 8 hours trading! Here is what I ended up with:
This was my first pick:

Nila Anthony Stripe Messenger bag (retail price $72)
Stripe Messenger
Lydell NYC Bangle (retail price $20)
Present Time: Swing Frame Set (retail price $30)
Swing Frame Set
So overall, my bag's value was $122. And they carry a ton of well known designers like Betsy Johnson, Steve Madden, Kenneth Jay Lane, and BCBG. And even though the monthly subscription is a little pricey, I think its well worth the money, especially if you like to buy stuff lots of accessories and cute decor for your house.

I should be getting my other two subscriptions soon so once I do, I'll post a review.

Thanks for stopping by! :)

*fyi - all of these subscriptions were bought with my own money and I was not paid in any way to review these sites.

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