Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Eek! It's been almost a month!

In my last post, which was almost a month ago...sowwy :( ...I mentioned that I indulging in a bit more pricey subscription box and would post more info on it when I got it. Well...I got that subscription in the mail but ended up returning it and reordering. Want a hint? It's a clothing subscription ;). Soooo...I should actually be getting it tomorrow. So I probably should have just waited and posted the review tomorrow...oh well! I was in the mood to post since I haven't in awhile. Warning: This may be a bit rambly...So, leave now if you don't want to "listen" to me ramble, and I should be posting a review this week for my oh so secret clothing sub. :)

Now for the rambling! I think I'll do this in portions, kinda mix it up a bit.
Where have I been? 
Well, as you may or may not know, I tend to post in phases and during those times when I'm not posting, it's usually having to do with stuff going on in my personal life. This time is no different. I have officially completed my bachelor's degree! (It's about damn time! LOL) My last class for me degree ended on Aug. 2nd so prior to that I was working hard on my finals and getting everything squared away. Yay!
On the not so positive side, I've been having some health issues. I'm still in the process of being diagnosed, but after seeing 3 doctors and getting "band-aid fixes" (without ever being officially diagnosed), I've basically self diagnosed myself and have been looking into natural remedies..which seem to be slowly working (I may do a more detailed entry later on this topic). So, that's where all my time has been since the last entry.

What about the subscription boxes!?
I ended up cancelling my Glossybox subscription because I wasn't thrilled with my last box. And personally, I wouldn't spend $20 at a store for something I wasn't thrilled with so why do that with a subscription service? I'm not saying they're a bad subscription service, they're actually pretty good. The quality of their items are good and the packaging is sturdy and adorable. Even their customer service is pretty good. But for now, I'm going to take a break from them and maybe come back later on.
Ipsy is one of my favorite monthly subscriptions! I'm rarely ever disappointed with them and I love the fact that they're including some more awesome brands! Last month wasn't a hit for me though and when they started posting sneak peeks on FB, I felt a little iffy about my bag. One of the sneak peeks was the Urban Decay lipsticks along with a chapstick. And it said that people would be getting one or the other. A $9 lipstick sample vs. a $3 chapstick.... That kind of put me off and with my luck I would have gotten the chapstick instead of the UD lipstick (which I really wanted to try). So, I figured instead of being disappointed, I would just cancel the subscription and rejoin next month. And now I'm totally kicking myself for it and I'm on the waiting list! LOL Should've just stuck with it! Oh well. On the brightside, I think people on the waitlist can only get a spot if someone else drops, so I'm hoping that me dropping got a new sub onboard with them. Hopefully...could just be wishful thinking LOL
Lastly, there's my beloved Julep. I've been skipping on and off with them, mostly because I have so many polishes (about 90% are Julep), I don't know what to do with them! So I skipped the August box, even though the foot balm would've been nice to try since I'm pretty much always getting blisters. I'm considering skipping the September box as well because I don't really like any of the colors, however, I do want to try the Bare Face Cleansing Oil.

What's next?
Not sure. I'm considering redesigning my blog and maybe switching over to WordPress.
I've been job hunting...fun fun.
I do have a few reviews I want to post up, although now that I joined Influenster, I could always post there. :) But I like my blog and I'm hoping to keep it going and post more frequently.
I've considered doing YT videos, but I think I'm too camera shy to actually do it LOL.
I've also been looking into a few makeup courses. I really do enjoy playing with different looks and the whole application process. If I can figure out how to photograph these looks properly I may do pictorials. :) So yeah, there's a lot I'd like to do/try. My biggest hurdle was completing my bachelor's and now that that's done, I'm on to my next hurdle and will hopefully have time to try out some other stuff along the way.

See, told you this was rambly! :) Thanks for stopping by and hopefully I didn't bore anyone to death! LOL

Very clever, Siri...:)

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