Friday, January 29, 2016

Not a typical post, just ramblngs

Well Happy New Year, it's actually closer to Valentine's day...oops. I can't believe my last post was in August. My, how time has flown.
2015 was interesting...not my favorite, although there were a couple of highlights. It was hard. I'm praying 2016 will be different. I learned a lot about people and relationships and was pleasantly surprised by some and disappointed by others. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but it seems that milestone/major events can really bring out the worst in people. What really bothers me about those who have disappointed me is that none of them had the courage/courtesy to even confront whatever issue they had. With all of these social media platforms and ways to communicate, everyone is afraid to actual talk about anything. But I guess if it's not worth bringing up, it's not worth resolving? I guess you can say I'm confrontational, which usually paints the picture of a loud-mouth who gets in your face and is looking to start a fight....but I can assure you, I'm not that type of confrontational. Two things about me - I'm a Libra and an introvert...aka quiet (although, extroverts can be quiet too), a listener, and tries to understand both sides of a situation. So when there's an issue, I want to understand why, get both sides, and find a solution, which is why I say I'm confrontational - I like to confront the issue. So when I have people playing the avoidance game, it's like nails on a chalkboard and it drives me nuts. Annnddd...that turned into a rant...rant over. :)
Although, speaking of introverts, I've been trying to educate people on what it actually means to be an introvert...especially when trying to explain why I don't want to go clubbing every. fucking. weekend. I actually read this article recently, well two articles, but one of them was something about the difference between being shy and being an introvert and it was so good! It almost made us sound like superhumans, or maybe I just like the bits about having to "recharge"...that's very Superman to me and I like it. If I find again, I'll post the link for it. It's worth a read, even if you aren't an introvert. As for the other article...I wanted to slap the author. I think they were trying to sell a book to! It was something about friendships and introverts and calling introverts "loners" and how they only look forward to going grocery shopping and wander around malls because they desperately want to be around people. It was the most pathetic thing I've ever read, like the author was trying to make the reader feel so bad about themselves, that they would buy their book in order to cure themselves of being an introvert. Ridiculous. The comment section was great though, a lot of people with the same sentiments.
So in 5 months, I couldn't post a single beauty/subscription post?! WTF?! Well, I probably could have, but I didn't. Most of my subscriptions I cancelled. The last subscription box I got was Popsugar in....October? I think. As for makeup, I did buy a few things, but not nearly as much crap as I used to in previous years. I've been trying to cut down a lot on products and not give into the whole Youtube hype. It gets expensive and then you end up with a bunch of expired products, because that shit does expire, so is it really worth it? Not always. I did win a giveaway from Becca! Did I mention that?! I posted a picture on IG, that was pretty awesome, it was the first giveaway I've ever won, ever! All in all, I probably bought about 10 new products (give or take) in 2015 and got rid of a bunch of old stuff.
In terms of life events...the wedding planning is a pain in the ass. There has been so many times where I've just said 'fuck it, lets just stay engaged forever!' or 'let's just elope'. We have our hearts set on a destination wedding and we're having the worst luck with resorts. We're checking out our first choice for my birthday, but if that falls through we have two other backups. However, that might push the date out too and we won't be able to see them until the day of. Plus I'm freaking out about our fur babies. We've always had someone stay at our house and watch them, but if everyone is at our wedding, where do we take them? Can they come too? We're not in a hurry to get married, and I've always said I was fine/wanted a long engagement, and we just might need to make it a little longer so it's not so stressful and we're not pressured to make a decision. It's interesting, I never thought planning a wedding would be this chaotic/stressful/challenging/etc., even after watching all of those wedding shows. lol Or maybe it's just mine, who knows. As for other stuff, I'm still working on 2 Masters...yes started Paleo a couple of weeks ago, which hasn't been too bad. My doctor suggested it because of my PCOS, so I'm hoping it'll help.
Well, I guess that's about it, I just thought I'd come on here and chat a little bit. This is probably the most purest version of me in a post yet lol. I think this is as bad as it gets...I think... haha.

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