Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My HG Mascara

I've been on the hunt for a really good mascara for years. Or let me rephrase that, I've been on the hunt for a mascara that would add volume, not clump/flake/smudge, and most importantly hold a curl! Now, I've found several pretty good mascaras or even some that have come close to meeting all of my needs, but never one that did EVERYTHING I wanted it to...until recently. :)
I have fairly long lashes, with average thickness, but they're completely straight. I mean practically growing downwards...no curl whatsoever! And like many people, I like watching different product reviews on YouTube and reading reviews from other fellow bloggers. Especially since I don't usually keep up with the different mascaras coming out because I feel like there's a new mascara out every week! And they all have what seems to be the same old claims of what it can do and whatnot, so I usually ignore them altogether. But in the reviews I was watching/reading, there were a few different mascaras that kept coming up and most of them were from Maybelline. Now, I've tried Maybelline mascaras before (Great Lash, Falsies Flared, Falsies Washable, and Mega Plush) and was never really impressed. I would curl my lashes, add a coat of mascara, and by the time I was done my lashes had lost their curl. So at that point I pretty much said 'screw it' and would add as many coats as I wanted and then re-curl my lashes. Which, by the way, curling your mascara packed lashes, isn't usually a good idea...just fyi! So later on, after applying mascara and having my lashes lose their curl, I stopped re-curling and would try holding my lashes up(with my finger or a q-tip) until the mascara was dry. This "technique" didn't help much since my lashes would completely lose their curl by the end of the day, if not hours after. Unfortunately, this wasn't an issues with just Maybelline mascaras, but with practically every mascara I had tried.

The Maybelline Rocket Volume was getting a lot of attention and since I needed a new tube after using up the Benefit They're Real! mascara (which I actually liked! Except it didn't hold a curl...). I applied one layer the following day after curling my lashes, and wasn't really impressed with the volumizing aspect, and expected to see my lashes slowly make their way down within the next few minutes. So I walked away, and came back to the mirror a few minutes later. Surprise! Surprise! The lashes were still up! So I decided to test my luck and added 2 additional coats. The multiple coats pumped up the volume and the best part, my lashes stayed completely curled! I was shocked! So needless to say, this is my new favorite mascara and I need to purchase another tube since I used this one up...as you can probably tell from it's lovely appearance! LOL

I am considering trying out the Maybelline One by One Waterproof since I've been seeing a lot of reviews on that too. Walgreens usually has a BOGO 50% off, so I'll probably grab that as well as another Rocket.  I'll have some more posts coming up, so stay tuned. I ran into another minor hiccup with the review that I wanted to post over a month ago with the clothing sub box! But I'm debating if I want to wait until I get everything sorted out, or if I should just post for now and update later....I think I might post now and update later since it's taking freaking forever. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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